RED ALERT: crawforts.com is a SCAM site posing as us.
Apart from using a web URL that bears close resemblance to ours, this website also displayed our previous brand logo and company information that are stolen from us. Please be informed that this site has no relations to us and are likely to be operated by unlicensed money lenders. We have already made a police report and we strongly urge you NOT to engage with them.
We would also like to take this opportunity to clarify that we DO NOT own any facebook page(s). The following facebook pages have no relations to us in any case. Again, please do not engage with these scam pages.
• facebook: Crawfort-110933990752634
• facebook: Crawfort-Pte-Ltd-113841170454493
When in doubt, always contact us at 6777 8080 to verify.
Learn also the difference between licensed moneylending from unlicensed one.