In light of the COVID-19 situation, Crawfort Singapore has stepped up and implemented the following precautionary measures at our outlet:
1. Temperature screening for all staff before the start and end of each shift. Staff with fever and flu-like symptoms will be asked to seek immediate medical treatment.
2. Temperature screening for all customers. Customers with fever and flu-like symptoms will NOT be allowed into the outlet and will be asked to seek immediate medical consultation.
3. Staff will put on surgical masks while on duty. Upon request, masks will also be provided to customers to wear within the outlet.
4. Deploy hand sanitisers at key service counters.
5. Cleaning regimes and disinfection efforts have also been intensified. High contact areas such as door knobs and handles as well as touchscreen queue panel are cleaned and disinfected hourly.
6. Staff are advised to defer all non-essential travel to Mainland China.
7. Travel plans for all staff will be monitored on an ongoing basis.
8. Implement 14-days Leave of Absence for any staff with any household member who is on Home Quarantine Order.
We seek your kind understanding and support on the above to ensure the health and wellbeing of all our customers and staff. We will continue to review these measures and step up where necessary.
For the latest updates by the Ministry of Health (MOH), please refer to https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19.