Alwin Goh

If you’re using a personal loan in Singapore for a big ticket expense, home renovation or to fund some emergencies, it’s probably because your savings is not enough to cover it. And while repaying the loan is usually the last thing on your mind when you take out the loan in the first place, missing […]

Encountering financial difficulties, whether due to unexpected expenses or a job loss, can lead to challenges in paying off credit card bills. This might prompt the question: “What can I do if I’m unable to pay my credit card bill?” Failure to clear credit card bills can result in escalating debt. It’s crucial to understand […]

With the high cost of living in Singapore, handling various debts might be challenging. Debt consolidation can be really challenging especially for individuals with bad credit. However, even with a bad credit score, it is not impossible to consolidate your debts. This guide covers how to do debt consolidation with a bad credit score in […]

Singapore is the most expensive city in the world to live in. This is extremely daunting for the average person who is struggling to make ends meet. With the rising cost of living, unexpected expenses can easily throw off anyone’s budget. When emergencies pop up, needing cash right away can feel super stressful. This is […]

Certain types of loans in Singapore need guarantors since they carry higher risk of default for lenders. For instance, car loans, education loans and business loans, in place of collateral. It can be a requirement when applying for a loan in Singapore. Therefore, before you sign-up to be a guarantor of your friend or your […]

As Singapore is known for the most expensive city to live in, it is vital to know your gross monthly income as this is the key on how you can manage your money. It refers to the total amount you earn before taxes and other deductions are taken out. This includes your base salary, any […]

Marsiling Mall is one of the oldest shopping malls in Singapore, known for its charming vintage architecture and quaint shops. This mall may not have the glitz of Orchard Road, but it’s filled with the heart and soul of Singapore’s everyday life. For visitors, Marsiling Mall offers a peek into the real Singapore, away from […]

With the reputation that loan sharks in Singapore have, most of us wouldn’t want to deal with them in the first place. But perhaps desperate times have called for desperate measures. You needed money during a time when no bank or financial institution was willing to offer you a personal loan. With limited options to […]

Ever wondered what affects your loan applications? Or why some of your credit card applications were rejected? It’s likely because of your credit score. A bad credit score can affect your applications for personal loans and credit cards. But what’s a credit score? How do you check it, and how can you improve your credit […]

From January 2020 to May 2020, there have been 1,481 applications for bankruptcy in Singapore and 404 orders made — a significant number considering the short 5 months span. Bankruptcy, in short, is when you owe more than you can afford to pay. There are also a number of technicalities involved. Filing for bankruptcy in […]

Perhaps it’s a time right now when you require extra financial support for your needs—for an emergency, for a dream vacation for you and your partner, or even for a plan to move forward and venture out of your comfort zone. However good your reasons may be, you may have faced problems having your personal […]

If you’re in a financial jam, you want to get a personal loan as quickly as possible. But what if you don’t have income proof? In this article, we share with you some useful tips on how you can get a personal loan in Singapore without income proof like payslips. But before we dive into […]

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