Payday loans are an alternative if you’re a Singaporean or PR in need of immediate financial support. To qualify, you must have a job and be at least 21 years old. Additionally, you must present proof of your income in the form of your most recent three months’ worth of paystubs or CPF contribution statements. You will also need to present your NRIC as identification, as well as a current utility bill that verifies your residential address.
On the other hand, foreign nationals living in Singapore are also eligible to apply for payday loans. However, the qualifications are a little different. You must have a job in Singapore and be at least 21 years old. You’ll need to present the last three months’ worth of paystubs or bank statements as evidence of income, in addition to documentation proving your employment, such as a valid work permit. You will also need to show proof of your residence address and passport as identification.
You also need to keep in mind that the maximum loan amount is subject to an overall borrowing cap across all moneylenders. Therefore, make sure you borrow no more than you can afford to return.
Aside from considering the eligibility requirements, it is essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of the payday loan before proceeding, paying close attention to repayment terms, interest rates, fees, and charges.